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Legal service contract

甲方(Party A):

乙方(Party B):江苏梁金律师事务所(Jiangsu Liangjin Law Firm)

鉴于甲方涉及   事务,特委托乙方    律师提供相关法律服务,双方根据中国《合同法》、《律师法》等法律法规之规定,经友好协商,订立本合同。

In view of the involvement of Party A, Party B is hereby entrusted to provide legal services. Both parties have entered into this contract through friendly negotiation in accordance with the provisions of China's "Contract Law", "Lawyer Law" and other laws and regulations.

1、服务项目(Service Items)



2、服务要求(Service requirements)


In carrying out the work, the lawyer shall complete the entrusted matters in strict accordance with laws and regulations, actively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Party A, and shall not provide Party A opinions that violate laws and regulations. Lawyers should be diligent in their work, abide by the professional ethics and practice discipline of lawyers, and provide services in accordance with the recognized service standards and service specifications of the industry.

3、双方配合(Cooperation of both parties)


Party A shall provide documents, data and information related to the project in a timely and unreserved manner according to the lawyer's work requirements. The relevant data and information provided by Party A to the lawyer shall ensure its authenticity, integrity and accuracy of source.

4、法律服务费用(Legal service fee)

(1)经双方协商一致,本合同法律服务费用为:  ,乙方指定收款账号为:

Through negotiation, both parties agree that the legal service fee of this contract is:    ,Party B's designated collection account number is:


If the service matters need to be resolved through litigation or arbitration, both parties shall sign a separate agency agreement, and the attorney fees for litigation or arbitration shall be determined by both parties through consultation according to the administrative authority and Party B's charging standards.

五、保密条款(Confidentiality clause)


Party A and Party B shall have the obligation of confidentiality for the information provided to each other during the performance of this contract, as well as the information and legal documents contacted and understood in this service. Unless required by law or notified in writing by the other party, the other party shall not disclose it to a third party. The invalidity or termination of this agreement shall not affect the validity of this clause.


This contract is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B holding one copy respectively. It shall come into force after being signed by both parties.

甲方签章(Party A seal or signature): 

乙方签章(Party B seal or signature):


陶新华 律师


手 机:13861751657


微 信:通过上面手机号或QQ号添加

电 话:0510-82833006


地 址:无锡市金融八街1号无锡商会大厦2307室,江苏梁金律师事务所。
